Introduction to Module K - Know and Practice Leadership Values

Welcome to the Module K or “Know and Practice Leadership Values Module”!

As already stated, in module K, everything is about values that you need to have as a leader and as a person. There is no good progress and good team without great leadership, and we speak about trust, respect, courage, openness and how to live them on a daily basis while working with your team.

In Module K, we will cover a lot of topics and you will learn how to:

  1. Understand the importance of trust and openness.
  2. Understand the importance of courage, empathy and respect.
  3. Get a set of tools and practices to implement those values.

In addition, you will practice and acquire knowledge on:

  1. How to have trust in your team and what practices can help.
  2. How to be open and honest and what practices can help.
  3. How to be emphatic and what practices can help.
  4. How to be courageous and what practices can help.
  5. Understand importance of respect and what practices can help.
  6. How to be a servant leader and what practices can help.

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