Introduction to Module R - Reflect - Put Soft Skills in Action

Welcome to the Module R or “Reflect Module”!

As already stated, in module R, everything is about the team, what they need, how to help them, how to recognize team members, listen to their feedback and understanding others, including Customers.

In Module R, we will cover a significant amount of topics and you will learn how to:

  1. Use soft skills and lead your team toward maximum results.
  2. Avoid micro management.
  3. Use knowledge of a whole team.
  4. Improve on soft skills and team leadership.
  5. Grow as a person.
  6. Be respected by the team as a great leader!

Then, you will practice and acquire knowledge on:

  1. How to work in a multi-cultural and disperse teams;
  2. What to do if language proficiency varies across the team;
  3. How to listen and conquer your own ego;
  4. How and when to praise your team;
  5. How to give a constructive feedback;
  6. How to speak with customers.

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